Monday, April 02, 2007

Ok...ready? not ready.

I think I'm going to take a break from Match. I don't think I can handle it. I know, I know. I have absolutely no patience and have only been back on for 5 days. I'm being unreasonable. It's just that every time I sign in and see none of my winks or emails returned (except for Tony the Jew, who insists on emailing back and forth millions of times but has not asked me out. I don't think he's that cute anyway) and only to be met with the interest of those I am NOT interested in.

It's not particular to Bill, but I feel as though my self esteem has taken a hit, in a cumulative sort of way.

Sure...I am a successful "business" woman and should be very proud of myself for my accomplishments. I'm trying...I promise.

But in the men department? DAMN. Can I have worse luck? Why put myself out there again just to find another wimpy, self destructive, emotionally illusive whack job asshole who ends up rejecting me?

No thanks.

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