Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Welcome to my Nightmare

So I started this because my job is making me want to poke my eyes out on a regular basis and there needs to be some sort of outlet for it and other things that drive me insane OR I might end up walking over here one day with hairspray and a blowtorch.

I think that these, for the most part, tend to be a little too self indulgent and lame so if you notice this particular blog becoming said large pile of steaming crap, please tell me. Set me straight. I can take it. Really. I'm not overly sensitive. I swear.

It's really hard being me. And please note that this statement is meant in a serious but at the same time most sarcastic way. I'm not stuck in a wheelchair, I don't live in a cardboard box and I'm not an orphan. My life is, actually, charmed for the most part. But everyone needs something to complain about and this is how I came to starting this blog. Because, let's face it, my misery will be downright hilarious to the rest of you.

So, sit back and enjoy. I'll try to post everyday or at least until I get sick of doing it or find something better to do with my time.


Anonymous said...

Great site, I am bookmarking it!Keep it up!
With the best regards!

Anonymous said...

Great site, I am bookmarking it!Keep it up!
With the best regards!