Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy Fucking New Year

Oh yes, the fun just keeps on coming...doesn't stop!

Remember my crush? "The MC"? We'd been talking and messaging and had made a date for this coming Friday. He was definitely coming on a bit strong, but I called him out on it and he seemed obliging. He called me last night to wish me a Happy New Year. Well...after sleeping most of the day away today and then checking my email, why I found the following gem from said MC.

So I was doing some thinking and thought since it was officially 08 that I would come clean with you. Don't be mad at me its really a unique situation so hear me out. I should have told you this before but I found you so engrossing and engaging that I thought if I told you everything you wouldn't want to talk to me again, you still may have these feelings but here it goes. So you asked how a guy like me was single, yes its true I am in a relationship of convenience. I am married but once my wife of a few years cheated on me last December we have been going through a life of unknowns. But what we have learned is that we are bound to either try to live with each of our faults or move on. Because of the kids it makes it tough. She and I have decided to live together but can have our cake and eat it too, we just don't want to know about what goes on outside the house. I hope your still reading this, probably not though. You eve r find yourself in a place where you know you need to get out but for some reason your feet are stuck in cement. I can tell you are looking for a real relationship and i admire you for that. Thats why i am coming clean. I do hope we can remain friends cause I think if my life were different we'd be like peas and carrots (Gump not mine). If you are comfortable about continuing our friendship I think we could have some amazing times together. I am so into your eyes, and lips and I find most amazingly your mind. You have a sharp wit and a mind like a firecracker. I have to tell you, I look forward to talking to you and getting to know more about you. I get such a rush. You turn me on mentally and physically. You are the worlds best kisser. I have kissed a few and you are number 1. So if you decide to be done with me just please let me know and I will walk away saying I am sorry for not be upfront with you.&nb sp; I apologize from the bottom of my heart. Hope you can forgive me. After talking to you last night I had a big decision to make. To keep this stuff from you or tell you. So I told you. I could have tried to as you say "just have sex with you" but I knew that wasn't an option but i love the feeling you give me to know you are thinking of me, talking to me, messaging me. I hate this but I owe you! As I end this letter, a run-on paragraph no less, I hope you can find someone to play twister with that is as screwed up as me but I could still play twister with the best of em. Hopefully talk to you later if not, it was a pleasure to get to know you as a person. I will never forget you!

Fuck THAT. I didn't read it in its entirety at first, but trust me, you need to pay attention to the details.

My response? Because this shit ONLY happens to me: Thanks (I guess) for being honest. Let me know when you get divorced. I guess my Friday night just opened up.

I'm all done. DONE.

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