Sunday, February 18, 2007

I have to say they've grown on me over the years...

I went to my parent's tonight for dinner. I told them I was doing online dating and they were all questions. It was actually really cute. So, I told them about Mike and Bill, more about Bill. Although my Dad loved my description of Bobblehead Yoda. My impersonation of the eye twitch had him in tears.

So while we are eating, Bill calls (sweet!) and I let it go to voice mail. Five minutes later my Dad is all "Can we listen to the message that Bill left?" So, I put the phone on speaker and we all lean in and listen to Bill's message: "Hey Stephanie, it's Bill. I'm driving from Minneapolis to Rochester and will be in the car for about an hour. Give me a call later...errr...tomorrow. I had a lot of fun last night. Talk to you soon. Bye."

My step mother: "He sounds cute!"
My Dad: "You should call him back tonight. But don't tell him you played his voice mail for your parents."

Hilarity ensues.

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