Wednesday, August 17, 2005

I need more cow bell

The new guy is now the has been, never called because apparently he's a small child guy. But I'm not too broken up about it and I've already deleted any evidence of him in order to avoid the accidental drunk dial. *pats herself on the back*

I'm still at work but my brain is fried and I needed a break. I miss writing in this all the time, bitching about this and that. I'm sure you miss it, too. *sniff*

Brenda, if you are reading, your advice about peeing is not only very wise, but also timeless. Thank you.

I finished Harry Potter and just wasn't happy with the results. The wizarding world really is very harrowing. I've started reading the new John Irving book which, of course, is about dysfunctional childhoods, long lost relatives, tattoos, little boys sleeping with grown women and the like. Bring it.

I'm toying with the idea of showing up at Step and Scult tonight. Batting it around like it's a bunny and I'm a big bear. We'll see.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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halfhaggis said...

Oh look. Annoying comment spam - although sort of amusing.

John Irving basically writes the same book over and over again, changing minor details. He then makes the book seem different by elaborating extensively on the minor alterations.
I've read four of his books. I just can't bear to read another. Although his recycled story is excellent, it gets a bit tired after a while and I'd rather eat his his new book than read it.

Phan said...

After I'm done reading it, you can eat it as long as I get the $20 back.