Monday, January 24, 2005

More sound wisdom from The Doll

For some reason, I'm completely unmotivated to do work today. I wonder why.
So, I've decided to put a few gems in here for your enjoyment.

In an email from The Doll to the entire company:

I've run across a couple of job descriptions lately where the word 'that' was used to refer to a 'person.' Please note: never use 'that' to refer to a person. Always use 'who'. Human beings must not be referred to as 'that'.


And here's another one:

Can we make a standard, that from now on, anytime we set a time in an ad we do NOT use ":00", except to make it consistent with other times, like ":30". Examples:3pm - 6pm
3:15pm - 6:00pm, in which we have made the 6:00 consistent with the way the 3:15 looks.

It's a lot cleaner to read without the extra zeros...unless the client insists.


His nuggets of wisdom surely are astounding. And there are both from the same day!


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